In March 2023, as part of the largest innovation and development projects in the Urals, as well as the introduction of technologies, the ClimateAquaTEx 2023 exhibition was held, where the marketing department of the Airnamica company took part among the honored guests, participating companies and business partners. The first three days of the exhibition, starting from the opening, were held in a busy schedule of presentations, openings of exhibition stands and presentations of new or improved technologies, including technologies for climate control equipment, ventilation systems and air conditioning, which is a direct and priority area of activity of our Company. In this regard, as guests of the event, Airnamica specialists shared their knowledge, capabilities and implementation of modern technologies of ventilation systems, taking into account the capabilities, as well as the implementation of domestic products (lines) in these technologies.
Also, the topics of the exhibition and prospects for diverse cooperation were:
- Engineering systems and communications
- Water supply, water treatment and water purification for individual and collective use
- Heating and heat supply systems
- Ventilation and air conditioning
- Gasification of industrial and household consumers
- Instrumentation and automation
According to the plans and forecasts of the Ural companies and representatives of the regional leadership together with the ministries, the tenth exhibition ClimateAquaTEX is planned to be held in March 2024, where the engineering and marketing departments of the Airnamica company also plan to take an active part.